Under/Over 2019


These works ask the question of how value is defined? what is disposable?
what collectable? what precious? what to recycle? what inspires?what moves us to act?
What defines a subject? These questions continue a long interest in thinking about memory, human experience, failure, experimenting, aesthetics and pedagogy.

The three separate elements in the show address the material site of production  (the cement blocks are remnants of an old studio floor), the discarded material remnants of personal and student work (paper towels used to blot ink) and weavings that are based on these paper remnants.  The weaving is both a material “site” of over and under as a warp and woof of  threads, as well as a representation that “cites” the discarded paper remnants, just as the waste on the floor and of the floor, once put into the gallery, becomes not just material sites but also a citation of productive labor.  The homonym of site and cite is not an equal binary, with citational work being over valued in relation to the undervalued material site.    

Under valued….Over valued
Under …. the site { a physical place )
Over…….. where the work exists

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